Wednesday, June 24, 2015

We Eat Wheat

How do I get this to rotate?  It won't.  Sigh.

I taught a class about wheat last week.  It was for a preparedness fair where lots of people who know lots of good things were willing to share and help us know what to do in case of an emergency.
I don't think storing wheat is just for an emergency - but it will be sure useful if we don't have normal access to food.  We have wheat because it is good for us, and because it is a delicious, inexpensive way to feed lots of boys in a big family.

I was surprised when the nice lady sked me to run the booth.  I am not an expert, and I didn't think I would be able to tell people anything about wheat that hasn't already preached a million times.  She paused for a minute, smiled, and mildly asked, "But you use wheat, don't you?"  Yes.  Daily.
I guess that's good enough.

It was fun getting ready for the fair.  I did a lot of research, just so I would be armed with the facts.  I learned more about how amazingly nutritious wheat is.  Oh, it's so much good for you in a tiny bundle!  I was concerned about the current popularity of gluten-free, so I did a bunch of reasearch there, too.

I was surprised that the gluten-intolerant only comprise, at most (and depending who you listen to), 1-3% of the population.  Another half percent has a wheat allergy.  The rest of the gluten-free purchasers fall into an undefined gluten-sensitive category. 

Many people who, on experiencing vague symptoms of malaise, decide that they must be gluten-intolerant and go cold turkey on a gluten-free diet. After a short adjustment period, they start feeling much better, and conclude that it must be the gluten which is causing the problem.  But most of the wheat in our society is available in a highly processed form: doughnuts, cakes, pretzels, snacks and sweets.  Yes, if you cut those out of your diet, you will feel better.  It's not necessarily the wheat which is causing our health challenges, in spite of all the negative press.

I cooked up a wheat storm to have eating samples: sourdough bread, everyday bread, graham crackers, cooked wheat cereal, and wheat flakes (like Wheaties).  It was all yummy, and got gobbled up.

Sadly, the event was not well advertised, and was sparsely attended.  Even still, I was flabbergasted that our booth was the most popular one there!  I was constantly handing out samples, extolling the virtues of sourdough,  explaining how easy it was to make wheat flakes, or talking about good wheat nutrition.  I was quite hoarse by the end.

As I'm typing this, I have hungry children and an empty breadbox.  Maybe I'd better get that strong husband of mine to haul me up another bucket of wheat.  I'll grind it and make bread for lunch.  Maybe some crackers, too.

Eat your wheat!  It's good for (most of) you!

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