I was looking at the calender today, and I amazed that it is halfway through April! The twins love to look at the "ky-lander" and have me tell them how long it is until their birthdays. So we were counting off how many months until their birthday, until school is out, until school starts again in the fall (and they will be in kindergarten! Aagh!), until Halloween...
We stopped at Halloween because it is their absolute favorite day of the year, until Christmas rolls around, that is. They are already dreaming up what they want to be for Halloween. Current favorite: minions! I love to sew and create - always have - so making Halloween costumes is something I put a lot of thought and time into. I like dressing up too, but let's be real. With a family of ten, making costumes for myself is way, waaaayyy down on the priority list.
And forget about buying anything ready-made from the store. I'm not about to show that much skin in public - especially chilly Halloween night! I don't know why it seems that costume manufacturers think that all women want to show off their legs and cleavage on Halloween. Every costume comes from the same pattern: bare shoulders, deep necklines, and short skirts. No creativity. And no coverage, if you prefer to be modest. I do.
I've decided to declare the rest of April to be Decent Women's Costuming Month. There isn't much going on for the next few weeks (no major holidays, not yet the frantic end-of-school rush, no family vacations to plan), so I have time.
I picked up these fun historical patterns a few weeks ago when there was a good sale at the fabric store, and I might be able to pick up some fabric tomorrow.
If I sew a little bit here and there, instead of doing a whole bunch all at once, I won't get sick of the project. Also, I won't end up with back problems from hunching over the sewing machine, and my children will get fed. Bonus that my house won't turn into a disaster.
Now I just need to decide which pattern I want to make! I'm leaning toward the Regency dress, but that would mean I have to watch Pride and Prejudice again for inspiration. Or If I choose the 1950s dress, I'd have to check out some Audrey Hepburn or Marilyn Monroe.
Bring on the popcorn!
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