Thursday, January 1, 2015

New Year's Eve

Welcome to the quietest morning of the year!  I think most everyone in the country is sleeping in or hung over or some combination of the two.  Trent commented that this would be the right time to be attacked.  What a nice sentiment!  Actually, New Year's morning is when Teancum snuck in and killed the Lamanite leader.  Interesting tidbit of the day.  So iv you are planning to invade, go for it.  You won't meet much resistance in this house, because we are all too tired.

We partied hard last night.  Well, maybe.  Define "hard."  In fact, you'll have to define "party."  Alright, alright.  We just stayed up late and enjoyed being together.  Eddie, David, Trent and I played all the way to the long, long end of a Phase 10 match.  Or maybe we watched Angel and the twins dance to their movie.  It was fun to see them jump up and run or dance as they were watching!  Funny kids.  My dad joined us for the last bit and shared  traditional German pfeffernuesse and chocolate covered marzipan with us.  We tried to get the little ones into bed earlier, but Netfix's countdown with King Julien was jammed with too many other parents who were trying to do the same thing.  In the end, we watched the ball drop, hugged each other, and were just happy to be a family.  David did have to go outside and bang noisy things together, and the little ones finally went to bed.  Chris called from his party and had to be reminded that when I say "be home at 12:30" does not mean "you may start a movie at 12:30."

So happy new year, everyone.  Hope it's a good one for all of you!

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