Thursday, March 7, 2013

Family Funnies

The kids are already getting older and already I miss all these times.  Love these children of mine!


Freddie: little pig, little pig, let me in, not by chinny chinny


Angel: please help us to dream about good cats and good dogs that they won't get run over by the bad cars and please bless that we will not dream about bad dogs and bad cats so they would get run over by vehicles.  We will send vehicles to all the bad cats and bad dogs.


Mom: (late in the evening) Sorry we locked that door.  We thought you were coming in the other door.
Alec: I can get in anywhere.  That is the power of my keys!


Ben, explaining why he wasn't going to tease his older brother, even though he would dearly love to:  but I probably shouldn't, because it would make him really mad.  (pause) But he's already mad anyway, (brightening) so I might as well!


Georgie has a stutter now because his mind comes up with ideas so quickly that he can't come up with words fast enough.  Always saying Mom mom mom mom mom while his words try to catch up

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