Saturday, May 9, 2015

Happy Mother's Day

This Mother's Day weekend, I am so thankful that there ARE such wonderful things as mothers.

I'm lucky to have had the best mom ever.  She was just what I needed to make me grow how I needed to.  I wish I could give her a big hug today, and tell her how much I love her.  I'll have to settle for asking the Lord to relay my message of love, and putting soggy flowers on her grave in the rain.

I'm lucky to be a mother.  I never would have guessed that having all these little ones and big ones and medium ones would fill my heart up with so much love and joy.  Sometimes when I've been wiping too many noses and bottoms, I just want to hear a little bit of thanks.  When I've had too many late nights with my teens, with middle of the night bad dream comforting, and early morning emergency homework, I want to have a break.  I worry.  I plan.  I cry.  I ache.  And at the same time, I love like I never knew was possible.  My heart is so full.

This Mother's Day, I'm not going to fret that I've missed my day at the spa... again... because I'll be too busy getting hugs and kindergarten drawings.  I'm not going to complain that I have to drag myself out of bed at an unearthly hour because I'll be too busy happily talking to my missionaries.  I'm not going to sit and mope about all the opportunities I've missed because I'll be too busy loving other good mothers at our family dinner.  I choose not to be sad or depressed because I'm going to choose to count my blessings that I get to be a mother.

I'm grateful for families, with all their warts and wrinkles, and for good women who have loved and nurtured me.

Thanks, Lord, for giving us mothers!

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