Saturday, October 12, 2013

Repair Work

As I've been thinking a lot about depression this week, it's easy to feel like you are broken, not fixable, not worth anything.  Not so.  NOT SO!

I came across this article about the ancient Japanese art of fixing broken pottery.  It's called kintsukuroi or kintsugo.  In the process, not only is it successfully put back together, but becomes more valuable.  Imagine being more worthwhile because you were once broken.

Please read the post.  It is beautiful.  You can read more about it here and here.

A last quote from Jeffrey Holland's talk, "Like a Broken Vessel:"

   Though we may feel we are “like a broken vessel,” as the Psalmist says (Psalms 31:12), we must remember, that vessel is in the hands of the divine potter. Broken minds can be healed just the way broken bones and broken hearts are healed. While God is at work making those repairs, the rest of us can help by being merciful, nonjudgmental, and kind.
   I testify of the holy Resurrection, that unspeakable cornerstone gift in the Atonement of the Lord Jesus Christ! With the Apostle Paul, I testify that that which was sown in corruption will one day be raised in incorruption and that which was sown in weakness will ultimately be raised in power. I bear witness of that day when loved ones whom we knew to have disabilities in mortality will stand before us glorified and grand, breathtakingly perfect in body and mind. What a thrilling moment that will be!

Just for 15 minutes today, envision yourself as a valuable vessel adorned with ribbons of gold.  You are beautiful!

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